Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Announcements and Reminders (:

Hi Guides! 

If you see someone without a smile, give them one of yours! (:
1) Please try to compile all the things that we did, for example, Total Defence Badge, Thrift Badge and WAGGGS ,or even notes, just anything about Girl Guides, into a notebook. Not to small, but preferably A4 size, for easy reference. You can even decorate it whatever way you want. And we will showcase the good ones on Sec 1 Orientation too! 
The main purpose of this, is so that you will be able to look back at all the things that we have done, and when you teach your juniors or when other people ask you, it will be easier for all of you to refer.

2) For SANA Course, it falls on 4 Nov. There will be a test, so please take notes during the course. If you fail the test, you would not get the badge.

3) CAMP: 21-23 Nov 2011 (Very highly possible!)  There will be Amazing Race, Treasure Hunt, Crafts Sessions and etc. It will be an enjoyable and meaningful camp. So please come! I would like to see full attendance on that day, excluding the 3 people who have already told us that they cannot make it. NO EXCUSE WOULD BE ALLOWED, since we have already told you beforehand. 

4) Guides photograph fees! Please remember for those who have not handed in the photograph fees today, please bring the correct sum of money next Tuesday!

5) All those who have not done your Laundress and Thrift Proficiency Badge, Please submit it by NEXT TUESDAY!!!!!!! DATELINE!

ALL Sec 2& 3s 1) Please remember to complete your WAGGGS- 5 Point Programme ( International), by next Tuesday  Write down on your Guide notebook, 10 things that are in common for all Girl Guides around the World. If you want to know more about WAGGGS, please visit http://www.wagggsworld.org. You will have a clearer understanding, after visiting this. 

ALL Sec2s: 1) Cook Proficiency Badge: Please get a statement from your Home Econs Teacher, or Parents, that you have laid a table, and prepared a meal before. If you still have your proposal for the one that you did, whereby you have to prepare a meal for your teacher, try to print another copy and put into your Girl Guides notebook. 

Thank You! Hope you guys had fun during today's meeting and learnt new things too! :D

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