The Guide Motto:

Be Prepared

The initials of the GGS motto, "BPrepared", also happens to be our Founder’s initials and is a practical reminder of the purpose of Girl Guiding which is to always be prepared for any eventuality.

The Guide Law:

  1. A Guide is loyal and can be trusted.
  2. A Guide is useful and helps others.
  3. A Guide is polite, considerate and respects her elders.
  4. A Guide is friendly and a sister to all Guides. 
  5. A Guide is kind to all living things.
  6. A Guide is obedient.
  7. A Guide has courage and is cheerful in all difficulties.
  8. A Guide takes care of her own possessions and those of other people.
  9. A Guide is thrifty and diligent.
  10. A Guide is self-disciplined in what she thinks, says and does.

The Guide Promise:

The Promise and Law is the heart and soul of the Guide Movement.They are the fundamental principles of the Girl Guiding and every member should observe and live by them. A Guide makes a personal commitment to these principles which in turn leads her to accept and to develop her responsibilities towards the community.

Adapted from: http://www.girlguides.org.sg/cos/o.x?c=/ggs/pagetree&func=view&rid=4595